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Summer's Over

I can't believe how time passes so fast. My last blog was in June. WOW! I hope everone had a fun, safe, and memorable summer.

As for me, most of my summer involved doctor's offices, Emergency Room visits, and hospital visits. Not so much for myself but for my husband. The dreaded "C" word invaded our family.

We were informed that he had Prostate Cancer. He had a couple of choices, but elected for the surgery since it was reported to have the highest success rate. We believed the surgery removed the cancer from his body. His surgeon informed us during our first post-operative visit that they "did not get it all".

We made 35 trips to the hospital for radiation treatments. There were so many people fighting cancer. We met many of them. It is sad to see how much cancer robs from the human body and a lot of times the human spirit.

Upon completion of radiation we were told that he was "cancer free". Great news! Now we are facing all of the different side affects from the radiation. It has not been a pleasant journey.

We are the lucky ones...this time. We pray for everyone along this journey because it is difficult. It is real. It makes you think in ways you don't want to...about all the could, would, and shoulds in today living and what may come in the near future.

Looking forward to l. FALL. Pretty colors, cooler weather and a fresh start.

Wishing you all well and I thank you for hanging in with me during this difficult time.

On another note, my book Broken Pieces, was shared with many people that said they received a blessing from it. That is a GOOD thing.

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Notebook and Pen

Writer. Author. Thinker. Storyteller.







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