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Aging is a Process

Updated: Feb 16, 2022

It happens so fast. One day we are born, we grow into teenagers and young adults, and then we are …old. How did that happen?

It’s a gradual process. So gradual, it slips up on you. In our mind we stay young. At least that has been my experience. Most of the people I have talked to never age past their late 20’s or mid 30’s in their minds. It’s a cruel joke that our mind plays on us. Our body feels the same for many years, but at some point, it just can’t deliver in most cases.

I have repaired parts (knees, shoulders, etc.), and now that repair has run its course, I’m having to “replace things.”

In January, I had a total knee replacement of my right knee. I was well aware that it would be painful and inconvenient. Since I was in so much pain before the surgery, I was willing to take the chance because I knew I should recover from surgery eventually and do fine.

It has been a month post-surgery, and I’m still having to be waited on by caregivers. This frustrates me because I want to be independent. I am dealing with an issue I didn’t even know might be an issue…drop foot. The doctor and therapists hope that it will correct itself once all the nerves “wake up” after being traumatized and swollen. I guess it’s a waiting game. Isn’t life almost always a waiting game? Until then, I will do all I can to speed my recovery along.

Enjoy your youth and your healthy body. It may not last forever. As time goes by, so does our youth.

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