Walking in the country last night I noticed Lightning Bugs
all around the yard. They brought a smile to my face and
sweet memories from my childhood. They are harmless
bugs but when they light up they are magical. I wondered
if kids still did this and many other things I did as a child.
Do you remember any of these things?
Chasing and Catching Fireflies or Lightning Bugs
When I was growing up kids entertained themselves all day with different activities. Chasing and catching Fireflies, also known as Lightning Bugs, was a fun activity. There seemed to be more of them back then, or maybe, I was just more aware back then. The bugs are intriguing and magical. You didn't have to live in the country to see them because they were everywhere. If we were lucky enough to catch any, we placed them in a mason jar and watched the "lightning" we created. In our minds, they were beautiful. Everything about this activity made for a good time. I hope this is somethings kids still do.
Outside Games - Red Rover and Dodge Ball
Neighborhood kids would gather at one house and play different games. Red Rover Come Over and Dodge Ball were two of the favorites. It was exciting and also a little scary when your name was called to "come over" because you weren't sure if you could break the line. In Dodge Ball you tried everything to avoid being hit. Some people threw the ball real hard. However, both games were fun and we enjoyed playing together. I have a feeling that these games may be played in school but I wonder if neighborhood kids get away from their electronic toys enough to have fun with each other.
Drinking From a Water Hose
After playing outside all day and being active we took turns drinking water from a water hose. Back then we hadn't heard of bottled water and we sure wouldn't think anyone would ever pay money for it. I remember it being a refreshing break and tasting good. I don't think anyone ever got sick from it either.
He Loves Me - He Loves Me Not
Girls didn't need to find a psychic to find out if that special guy liked her. All she needed to do was find a flower with petals and pull each one off saying out loud "He Loves Me" and next petal "He Loves Me Not". Your answer was in the last petal.
Using the Telephone to Talk
It seems that most people, especially teenagers, use their phones to text instead of talk more these days. Texting is so "impersonal". Text messages can easily be taken out of context. The other person may interpret what was typed completely different than it was intended. This is due to no speaking tone as you would hear in a phone conversation. When there were only land lines with no caller ID and the phone rang you answered in anticipation of who may be calling. It was especially suspenseful if you were expecting a "special" someone to call and possibly ask you for a date. There were no late calls and especially no staying up all night talking like kids do texting in the world today. If the call didn't come through in a decent hour, it would just have to wait until tomorrow. I feel the young people of today have been cheated in some ways because they have never had that anxious feeling or natural rush you would get when you would hear "ring, ring"....
Roller Skating On The Sidewalk
Another way we amused ourselves in the "old days" was to skate on the sidewalk. I don't know if there even was a skating rink. We would just enjoy skating in our neighborhood. Do kids even skate today other than using a skateboard?
Bicycle Riding
Before parents had a multiple car household, children had to ride bikes everywhere they needed to go. It was a mode of transportation to school, visiting friends, and just for fun. It could just be where I live, but I don't see groups of children riding the regular bicycle to get around in the neighborhoods anymore. This could be because the world seems more dangerous today. It was good exercise and it was relaxing.
While we are on modes of transportation, I must mention the carpool. I guess long gone are the days of sharing a ride to school with friends or other classmates. It doesn't seem all that long ago that every student didn't have their own car. Parents would loan their car for one day a week for the carpool, and to drive on dates. Times have changed, but I'm not sure for the best. The carpool was enjoyable and entertaining. It also taught skills in time management and discipline. Other people were dependent on you to be ready and get them to school on time.
Writing Notes To Your Friends
I hope the art of writing notes to your friends and passing them off is still alive and well. I wonder though
because every child and teenager seems to have a cell phone. I'm afraid texting may have killed this way of communication. Everyone looked forward to exchanging notes in the hallway between classes. The thrill came from not only reading the note but also trying not to get caught. I kept notes written while I was in school for years.
Thank you for stopping by to read my blog. Feel free to comment and add other memories that you think may be forgotten from the past.