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Judith B. Pinkard

Fabulous Friday

Happy Fabulous Friday to everyone. Before I retired Friday's were so special. It was a day to look forward to. Not only was it the last day I HAD to get up early, but it also gave me a feeling of accomplishment. I performed a work ethic I could be proud of all week. When I left on Friday I had freedom to do what I wanted for the weekend.

Unfortunately, like other friends and family I was not "really" off from my paid job. Thoughts crept in all weekend of things I needed to do Monday or questions like "Did I verify that report was received?" from the week before.

Why do we work? Most people would say to provide a better life for the people we love the most.

When we think about it - we are more married to our jobs than our families. The job gets the bulk of our waking hours. Our family gets what is left over.

Sometimes we feel devoted to our work because no one else knows the job. Please don't be fooled into believing this. There will always be someone that can come in and do your job. Maybe not the same way, but the job will get done.

So I am asking you to be a good employee while on the job, but when you leave at 5:00 any day of the week...leave the job where ever you work. Hopefully leaving any anger, frustration or bitterness behind before greeting your family.

The people you are working FOR... the people you LOVE deserve to have your undivided attention and time. Believe me the older you get the quicker time goes by. Cherish the time you have with your loved ones in the home you are working so hard to provide.

Memories are made of special moments together. The times I hold dear in my mind did not cost a lot of money, maybe nothing at all, but I felt special and loved. Playing cards, a board game, dancing and acting silly, maybe even making a weird creation for dessert in the kitchen. One memory I have is after we all went to bed someone said they were hungry. Everyone got up and visited as we fried a good ole chicken. Then we ate the best chicken we have ever had to date. Doing things out of the ordinary is fun and a time that will be remembered.

This is nothing like the blog I meant to post today. I had to change the title because it is nowhere close...but this is what you get.

Have a Fab Friday and a Wonderful Weekend.

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