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Be United - Now Is The Time

It is June 1st. The beginning of a new month.

Beginning - A new start - This is what I hope for. Our nation is in a world of hurt and unrest. Rightly so.

George Floyd was murdered by a bad and cruel police officer. An officer that is supposed to be our protector and peacemaker. Our whole nation watched a video where he held down George Floyd, who was not resisting arrest, with his knee on the back of his neck for over 9 minutes. Three of those minutes Mr. Floyd was not conscious. I must admit that I was horrified and it made me cry.

Mr. Floyd was an American citizen. He had a family. He was black.

The officer that committed this crime was white. The two colors quickly became a race issue.

I realize that there is a lot of police brutality by evil officers. I also believe that most of them are fair and do a tremendous job. I will go on to say that black people are usually at the end of the brutality a large amount of the time. However, I know that white people that have tattoos or look a certain way are targets as well.

In my heart, I don’t believe this was a race issue. I believe it was a power-hungry, “I can get away with it”, bad to the core policeman. He knew he was being recorded and seemed to take pleasure in it. There were three other officers that stood by and allowed this to happen. It is just beyond my ability to understand such cruelty.

I believe that this incident called for a peaceful protest. There were protests held in all major cities and many white, Asian, and Mexican men and women were standing by the black community. All races and religious affiliations were united in this protest to honor Mr. Floyd and say ENOUGH to the police brutality.

Most of these efforts were overridden by people from outside our communities that are paid to instigate rioting. Their agenda was burning, stealing, and defacing the property of American cities. It was heartbreaking to see people's life savings go up in smoke. Most insurances do not cover acts of war or riots. How shameful this is for innocent men and women.

It is time for a change. How can people get on board if our government is always acting out? The House of Representatives and Senate squabble like children because some dislike our President. How childish can you be?

It is time for all Americans of all colors to unite. Notify your congressman or congresswoman, your senator, governor, and local officials. Demand everyone sit down and listen to all sides and hear what it is like in the real world. Make decisions on how it can be made better. EVERYONE show respect for each other.

We have only one race. The human race. We live in the best country in the world and are allowing outsiders to tear it apart, burn it down, and hurt our fellow American's livelihood.

This is solely my opinion for what it is worth, but I believe America and Americans deserve more.

Feel free to leave any comments.

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