SPRING – A fresh start. After being locked inside to protect us from the brutal weather of winter; Spring is a welcomed season. People feel a newness of life, flowers bloom, and the weather is “just right”. Some people get excited about “spring cleaning”, I am not one of them. I like newness, but I don't like the work. I do enjoy putting away all the warm and cuddly throws, turning off the heat to only replace with the air conditioner. Seems in no time everyone is asking “Where are all the throws? I'm cold!” Spring is one of my favorite times of the year. Mainly because of the beauty and the weather. I have to fight allergies. I'm allergic to most all blooming things, but it helps my doctor stay in business and buy that next much-needed item he needs. So with so many other allergy sufferers, I guess Spring also boosts the economy between doctors, medications, pharmacy workers, etc. Other people see Spring as a time of personal cleansing and renewal. I refer to an interesting article by Elson M Haas, MD that sites simple “tips” she has listed at her website. I found this to be inspiring and a good read. Read it here.
FASHION - I always enjoyed the fashion of Easter. Almost everyone would be dressed in their finest and usually newest clothes. Boys would wear suits with bow ties, young girls would wear “prissy” dresses with shiny shoes and lace topped socks. Oh! We can't forget the little purses that carried all of our “stuff” when we would attend church service. Then later we added pretty little hats. It was fashion at it's “finest”. It was a “special” day and we dressed for the occasion. I could always imagine myself in the Easter Parade that we read and sang about in school. I love the colors of spring. The “lightness” of the clothes combined with the spring colors are refreshing. Out with the boots and heavy socks and in with the sandals and light-colored tennis shoes. Ahhhh!
EASTER BUNNY AND EASTER EGGS – The first Easter Bunny legend was documented in the 1500's but it didn't become common until the 19th century. The story continues to refer to the fact that rabbits were giving birth to big litters of babies. This became a symbol of “new life”. Quoting an article from history.com “Legend has it that the Easter Bunny lays, decorates and hides eggs as they are also a symbol of new life.” Who doesn't love a fun Easter Egg hunt?
BABY CHICKS AND DUCKS – Like rabbits, baby chicks and ducks, in Pagan times, were signs of New Life and Fertility. The early Christians used the meaning of “new life” to help them remember the Resurrection and having “new life” through Jesus. Though it has been determined that dying baby chicks different colors is not a good thing, it is a pleasant memory. My first poem was written about my baby duck I got one Easter. Besides....they both are just so dang cute!!
CHRIST AND THE RESURRECTION -Being of the Christian faith this is a significant time for us to understand the meaning behind our faith and the joy. GOOD FRIDAY – The Friday before Easter Sunday is remembered as the day Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross at Calvary. A lot of Christians make this a day of fasting and penance. When I was younger I was confused about calling a day that was so sad and dark commemorating a day of suffering and death as “Good”. According to the Bible and many other references, it is called “Good” because this is the day that Jesus suffered and died for all sinners, taking on their duly appointed judgment. His sacrifice allows all believers victory over death. One other source quoted from Forrest Wickman is “the name comes from an antiquated meaning of good..it's from good 'holy'." His article went on to say that other names for Good Friday are “Sacred Friday” and “Passion Friday”.
We celebrate EASTER because on the third day Jesus was resurrected from the dead giving victory over death and giving new birth to life everlasting. It is the “Good News”! There are many different accounts in the Bible referencing the death and resurrection. Different authors with the same version of the events. Matthew 20:17-19; Matthew 27: 32-56; John 19:5-6; Matthew 27:65-66; Mark 16:5-7, Luke 24:1-2; John 20:16-18; Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 3:15; 1 Corinthians 15:3-8.
I hope everyone will welcome spring and all it's newness, because like it or not, Spring has Sprung!